平成16年度 2004.4 ~ 2005.3

Accel. Lab. Seminars – Heisei 16th

講師 (所属)
Speaker (Affiliation)
2005/03/24 Thu 13:30- 2号館2階会議室 大見和史氏 Incoherent beam size blow-up caused by strong nonlinear force
due to electron cloud, beam-beam, space charge etc.
2005/03/07 Mon. 15:00- 3号館7階会議室 Vladimir Foguel氏
BINP, Russia
Induction Modulator Development and other topics 福田茂樹 Foguel氏は2002年6月からKEKにてATFにおけるBPMの開発や、XバンドLC関係でInduction ModulatorやXバンドクライストロン関係のR&Dに従事されてきました。
今回はInduction Modulotor を中心にしたトークをお願いしました。
2005/02/18 Fri. 10:30-12:00 Meeting Room, KEKB Controls Building Dr. Christopher K. Allen (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Overview of the XAL High-Level Applications Programming Framework 古川
The Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) has been developing a Java
based hierarchal framework for application program development. The
framework, called XAL, is designed to provide an accelerator physics
programming interface to the machine hardware. Use of this framework
facilitates implementation of general-purpose applications that can be
applied to various parts of the accelerator, and are portable across
different machines. As such, the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS)
at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) has also adopted the
XAL framework.
XAL utilizes an XML configuration file for machine hardware and
process variables synchronization. Consequently, modifications or
introduction of new beamline devices are immediately available for all
XAL applications by updating the configuration file. An on-line model
is included in this framework for quick beam tracking. Simple
interfaces to other external modeling software are also available.
Direct scripting interfaces are available for both Python and Matlab,
for rapid prototyping uses. Initial applications have been developed
and tested with the SNS front end. The overall framework is
described, and example applications are shown. WEB PAGE
2005/02/07 Mon. 13:30- 2号館2階会議室 Dr. Kevin Brown (BNL) High intensity slow extracted proton beams for rare symmetry violating processes experiments at BNL 冨澤正人 BNL’s AGS has a long history of providing slow extracted proton
beams to fixed target experiments. Two new fixed target
experiments are now being designed for operation at the AGS.
Both experiments require slow extracted beam, but with the
added requirement that those beams beam bunched. Bunched
beam slow extraction techniques have been developed for
both experiments and initial tests have been performed. In
this talk I will discuss the history of the AGS high intensity
slow extraction program, the two new experiments we are
designing and their requirements, and the techniques used
to created the bunch structure.
2005/03/03 Thu. 15:00- 2号館2階会議室 鈴木敏郎氏 PSからTRISTANへ、そしてその後 鎌田、大見 TRISTAN以後のことは皆様よくご存知の事と思われますので、 私は先ずPSの設計から建設の古い話しをまとめて述べたいと思います。 PFからTRISTANее 衝突器についての話しでは、collective effects の事、更にCERNやTRIUMFでのKAON FACTORYデザインで行った 仕事についてもお話ししたいと思います。
2005/01/25 Tue. 15:00- KEK4号館1階セミナーホール 大阪大学 佐藤健次氏 :「加速器電磁石電源のコモンモード・ノイズ‐サイリスタからIGBTへの展開‐」  小林 仁 加速器デザインレビュー委員会を開催して加速器の諸課題のレビューを行ってきております。その第19回は特別編として、大阪大学佐藤健次教授による「加速器電磁石電源のコモンモード・ノイズ‐サイリスタからIGBTへの展開‐」と題しての講演を行います。
2005/01/20 Thu. 13:30 – 15:00 2 Gokan building, 2nd floor, Meeting room (No.203) Dr. Christopher K.Allen (Los Alamos National Laboratory) An Adaptive Space Charge Algorithm for Three-Dimensional RMS Beam Envelope Simulation 古川和朗 We discuss an algorithm for treating the first-order effects
of space charge in bunched beam RMS envelope simulation. The envelope
simulation is assumed to be of the type employed by TRACE3D or
TRANSPORT. Specifically, transfer matrices are used to propagate the
Courant-Snyder parameters along the beamline. Thus, to include space
charge effects we must determine a transfer matrix representing the
dynamics caused by the self electric fields. We describe how this
matrix is computed and, consequently, is employed in the dynamics
calculations. Because the space charge matrices depend upon the
Courant-Snyder parameters, and the Courant-Snyder parameters in turn
depend upon the space charge matrices, we are also faced with some
self-consistency issues. To circumvent this problem we present an
adaptive technique for applying the space charge matrices that
maintains a specified level of accuracy.
2004/12/21 Tue. 16:00-17:00 1号館談話室 S.M.Lund (LBNL/LLNL) Heavy Ion Inertial Fusion Program in US and
Recent Developments in the WARP Cord for
Intense Beam Simulations
高山健 The WARP code is an extensive self-consistent electrostatic
PIC Code developed to simulate ion beams with high space-charge
intensity for Heavy Ion Fusion and other applications. WARP Consists
of a family of self-consistent moment, 2D(r-z axisymmetric and x-y
transverse slice), and 3D models with an extensive hierarchy of
field-solvers and particle movers that work with bent or “warped”
lattices and common diagnostics. Numerically intensive routines in
fortran are linked to the Python interpreter. Many diagnostic and
code control structures are coded in Python to allow flexible
operation and code steering.
This structure allows models and numerical methods to be utilized
under a common framework, thereby facilitating checks of
idealizations and numerical methods. Here we highlight recent
advances in WARP modeling capabilities and overview a particular
advance in the understanding of intense beam properties learned from
WARP. Modeling advances include:adaptive mesh refinement enabling
high resolution simulations that are being applied to injectors;
complex geometry field solver with multiple emitting structures,
apertures, beams, and self-consistent particle scraping to enable
simulation of multi-beam injectors with merging; generalized
particle loading to construct initial distributions consistent with
limited experimentally measured distribution projections; and a
hybrid mover for electrons and ions that interpolates between a
usual Boris advance and a drift kinetic model to enable more
efficient e cloud simulations. To highlight physics insights
provided by the code, we highlight WARP modeling of the High
Current Transport Experiment(HCX) at LBNL that illustrate problems
associated with lattice transitions and aperturing (scraping) of
intense beams.

2004/11/04 Thu. 10:00- 1号館談話室 佐藤 皓 SPIN2004報告&J-PARC-SPIN SPIN2004(偏極国際会議)の報告とJ-PARC 50GeV-PS
2004/10/18 Mon. 13:30- 3号館7階会議室 Prof. Nikolai R. Lobanov(The Australian National University) Low Velocity Two-stub Superconducting Resonators
for ANU Heavy-ion Accelerator Facility
斉藤健治 The Australian National University Heavy Ion Accelerators Facility exploits
superconducting RF cavities as accelerating structures. In this talk I will
outline a superconducting RF activity in the last year, which has been
targeted on improving the performance of the ANU LINAC by re-plating SLRs
with Pb/Sn and upgrading the entire RF Control System. A novel two-stub
accelerating structure, optimised for ion velocity of 5% the speed of
light, is presented for use on the Heavy Ion Accelerator at the ANU. The
main electromagnetic and mechanical parameters are discussed. The
technological aspects of manufacturing are described; in particular the
low-loss RF joints and a novel rotary tuner design. The resonators will
extend the capability of the ANU LINAC from mass 60 to mass 100. The
extension of these concepts to a three-stub resonator is flagged.
2004/10/07 Thu. 13:30- 2号館2階会議室 大見和史 KEKBでの電子雲によるバンチ結合型不安定性 電子雲によるバンチ結合型不安定性は KEK-PF、BEPC、KEKBで観測されてきた。 本セミナーではKEKBにおいて観測された不安定性を シミュレーションで理解できるのかをテーマとする。 バンチ結合型不安定性は単バンチ不安定性にくらべ 長距離力も重要になる。不安定性の様子はチェンバー内の 電子雲の様子を知る手がかりになるかもしれない。
2004/7/16 Fri. 15:30- 2号館2階会議室 菖蒲田義博 RFシールドしたセラミックチェンバーのインピーダンス 大見和史 J-PARCの3GeVのリングでは、セラミックの外側を銅でシールドし、
2004/07/01 Thu. 10:00-11:00 1号館談話室 榮 武二(筑波大) 筑波大学陽子線医学利用研究センターの現状と課題 佐藤 皓 陽子線治療の現状および実用機に要求されるスペック、新しい照射技術等につ
2004/06/11 Fri. 14:00-15:00 1号館談話室 松村 明 氏 中性子捕捉療法の現状と今後の課題について。加速器ベースになるとどう
佐藤 皓 筑波大学大学院人間総合科学研究科 機能制御医学専攻 脳神経機能制御医学
2004/06/11 Fri. 15:00-16:00 1号館談話室 板野 明史 氏 兵庫県粒子線がん治療装置とその現状 佐藤 皓 兵庫県粒子線がん治療装置が稼働して数年になります。加速器概要と治療の現
2004/05/27 Thu. 13:30- 1号館談話室 山田 聰 氏 HIMACの加速器概要と治療の現状 63MB 佐藤 皓 放医研ではHIMACによる炭素線治療を行っています。
2004/05/20 Thu. 10:00- 1号館談話室 福本 貞義 氏 加速器と医療の関わり合い 23MB 加速器の利用として、電子リニアックが医療に広く使われており、わが国でも

